Sunday, December 20, 2009

Murgh Kali Mirch

Posted By Admin H@$$@N

Chicken Black Pepper

Ingredients :

1.00 medium chicken , 1.00 teaspoon ginger paste , 1.00 teaspoon garlic paste , 2.00 teaspoon black pepper corns, crushed , 1.00 teaspoon white pepper , 3.00 tablespoon oil , 1/2 cup water , 2.00 tablespoon lemon juice , 3.00 whole green chillies, slit lenghtwise , 0.00 As per taste salt.

Instructions :

1. Mix together ginger & garlic pastes. Add salt, black pepper and white pepper.

2. Rub the paste on the chicken pieces. Leave aside for one hour.

3. Heat oil in kadhai and add the chicken pieces

4. Stir fry for 10-15 minutes.

5. Lower the heat and add the green chillies and water.

6. Simmer until chicken is tender. 7. Add lemon juice and serve hot.

• Serves 6 people.

• Preparation Time: 15 minutes.

• Cooking Time: 20 minutes.

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